Kumura aru Rongalour Khar (Khar prepared with white gourd & pumpkin)
1. white gourd leaves –fine chopped 1bowl
2. pumpkin- fine chopped 1 bowl
3. Garlic-10cloves
4. Onion-2big (fine chopped)
5. Green chilies-3-4
6. 'Pashfuran',salt & oil.
7. Khar (burn banana peel) 1tblsn or baking soda1/4tsn.
Mash chopped white gourd leaves &pumpkin with 1tsn salt and keep aside for few min.
Take a pan & heat oil,add 1/ 2tsn 'pashfuran' & chilies. Add chopped onion & fry till brown than add garlic cloves(crushed),fr y1min. Add fine chopped white gourd leaves &pumpkin and fry 5min.
Then add Khar or baking soda fry 3min then cover the pan, gas mus be seamed .
Remove cover after 8-10min. Cook more 5min in high flame.
Take a pan & heat oil,add 1/ 2tsn 'pashfuran' & chilies. Add chopped onion & fry till brown than add garlic cloves(crushed),fr y1min. Add fine chopped white gourd leaves &pumpkin and fry 5min.
Then add Khar or baking soda fry 3min then cover the pan, gas mus be seamed .
Remove cover after 8-10min. Cook more 5min in high flame.
Than its ready to serve.